DN Regatta Reports 2011-2012 Season
FEB 25-MARCH 4, 2012
March 12, 2012
NIYA & DN North American Photos
Check out these cool photos shot by "Franko2112" from the Northwest regatta and the DN North Americans on Green Bay.
Tip of the Helmet: Daniel Hearn.
March 4, 2012
Catherine Firmbach's NA Photos
Photographer Catherine Firmbach photo's from the first day of racing at the DN North Americans are now posted on her website with more photographs to come. She's also assembling a regatta highlights photo CD and you can read more about that here.
Prize Winners
Mercedes Auger, who was on the scoring team, and I were lucky enough to win the two raffle prizes given at the DN North Americans awards ceremony. Thank you Mike Boston of North Sails Detroit for the donation of the F01 speed sail and Ron Sherry of Composite Concepts for the low profile front runner. Both will be put to good use-Mercede's husband, Hal Bowman US1277-4th place Silver at the North Americans, is thrilled with Mercede's win. The new sail is a great reason to pull my boat out of the garage and get it ready for next season's club sailing.
March 1, 2012
"Poor ice conditions sink Green Bay iceboat races"
"The ice on the bay of Green Bay, just offshore from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay campus, this week hosted nearly 75 of the nation's fastest iceboats competing in the DN Ice Yacht Racing Association's North American Championship."
Continue reading.
"Cool photos: Campus bayshore hosts Super Bowl of ice boating"
"The ice offshore from UW-Green Bay was alive earlier this week with nearly 75 of the nation’s fastest ice boats contesting the DN Ice Yacht Racing Association’s North American Championship." Continue reading. This website has quite a few photos.
February 28, 2012
DN North Americans Completed, Ron Sherry Wins
The DN North Americans were called completed this afternoon. The Gold fleet tried to race this morning but missed the time limit by 3 minutes. With the appearance of some questionable working cracks later in the morning, IDNIYRA Commodore Danny Connell called the regatta finished.
Catherine Firmbach's NA Photos
Photographer Catherine Firmbach shot photos at the weather mark on Monday. She'll have more of them available on her website soon.
February 27, 2012
2 X 3
The North Americans finally started around 2 PM after waiting for the wind to calm down a bit. Perfect day of racing with some great battles. I know that Ron Sherry won 2 in the Gold and John Dennis one the last Gold. Going to help enter scoring in computer.
February 25, 2012
So it's Green Bay. Registration is Sunday night and racing begins Monday. Loretta and I are leaving soon. See you there.
February 24, 2012
Standing By
Ice boat races set for Malletts Bay
"Weather permitting, ice boat racers will converge on Malletts Bay in Colchester next week when the International DN Ice Yacht Racing Association (IDNIYRA) holds its North American Championship. Registration, originally scheduled for Saturday, has been moved to Sunday with the races tentatively scheduled to take place from Monday through March 4." Continue reading.
February 23, 2012
Score: NAs Here We Go
Weather forecasts are very tricky this time of year. It's noon ET, and I am sitting in Michigan at a Big Boy restaurant because I got up early to outrace the snow storm that was forecasted to hit southern Wisconsin this morning. Apparently, Madison received an inch of snow, sigh. I misunderstood, the Madison area is forecast to receive 1" of snow. Geoff Sobering called to let me know that the regatta is postponed a day. Am on my way to head scorer Loretta Rehe's house near Detroit to wait for the announcement about our final destination. This all seems oddly familiar...
January 31, 2012
DN World Championship Reports
The first two days of the regatta have had no wind.
Gareth Rowland, K-11, has posted a gallery of photos.
4-Lake's own Deb Whitehorse continues to post about the regatta on her blog here.
January 7-8, 2012
Location: Green Lake, Spicer, MN
Regatta information on the DN Forum.

January 10, 2012
Western Regionals Wrap Up 2
Results are being updated here.
From the 4LIYC Facebook page: Geoff Sobering's performance in Saturday's races captured on the GPS.
January 9, 2012
Western Regionals Wrap Up
Lots of good stuff floating around the internet.
Favorable Ice Brings Regatta to Spicer, MN.
Photographer to the Ice Boaters, Gretchen Dorian, was there.
Check out her photos here.
January 6, 2012
Western Regionals Day -1
I arrived at Green Lake in Spicer, MN early this afternoon as boats were in various states of being loaded and assembled. A few were sailing in the rather brisk wind for the slick ice conditions. Weather Underground is reporting only 5 mph which means either the wind completely shut down when I left the lake about an hour ago or WU is wrong. Accuweather is reporting 21 mph which seems right. Geoff Sobering and Jori Lenon were no too far behind me. Daniel and Frankie Hearn will be traveling this evening. There are others from Team Madison making the trip and I'll make a note as soon as I see them.
Western Region Commodore Julie Jankowski would like all competitors to know that a 7:30 PM Saturday night dinner at the American Legion (across the street from the launch site) has been organized. You can sign up at registration. $15 for chicken and ribs.
December 2-4, 2011
Location: Lake Christina, Ashby, MN
Regatta information on iceboating.net
NOAA Hourly Weather Forecast Graph
Deb will occasionally be posting photos (providing there's data coverage on Lake Christina) throughout the weekend on the
Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Facebook Group.
December 6, 2011
How Do You Spend Your Weekends?
Watch Minnesota skipper Joshua Bone's first attempt to sail a DN on Lake Christina at the Great Western Challenge. He really captured the essence of the event.
GWC Debrief
I know I speak for everyone from Team Madison by saying that we thoroughly enjoyed the sailing and camraderie at this fun regatta. Many thanks to the Minnesota sailors for helping to organize this event and their efforts to keep it relaxed. They have attracted at least one new sailor (see video above) and I know there were a few more who experienced ice boating for the first time on Lake Christina. The residents of Ashby and Alexandria, MN were very accomodating and warm to this unique group of people who seemed to materialize out of nowhere and take over their town. I wish I could have posted more reports and photos but me and Julie Jankowski were happily busy scoring races.
December 4, 2011
Day 2 Report
A very long but super fun day on the ice. I was too tired to even turn on the laptop to update the website. The winds and ice were perfect, it couldn't have been a better day for ice boating. The Gold and Silver fleets knocked off five races along with the Optis. Preliminary results here. Checking out of the hotel now and heading back to Christina for a 10 AM start.
December 2, 2011
Day 1: Super 8
PM Update
The wind filled in a bit too much today for any racing. But the good news is that the wind scoured the snow off the ice. Several skippers took some fast rides. Still it was a very enjoyable day spent catching up with ice boaters from Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. The cafe in Ashby was busy with ice boater's lunch today. Tomorrow's forecast looks better.
Doug Kolner, part of Team Madison, at Lake Christina yesterday. Doug, who normally sails a Renegade, is starting his season early in his DN.
The advanced scouting team from Madison arrived at Lake Christina on Thursday. After getting the lay of the land, we enjoyed an evening with Michigan sailors Julie Richards and Dick Wollam, Oshkosh sailor Bob Cummins, Leszek Ziolkowski, and German sailors Christian and Andreas Seeger. We expect the Hearns and more from Madison to arrive later tonight. Off to the lake shortly.