DN Regatta Reports 2013-2014 Season
March 1-8, 2014
Host Country: Poland
Websites & Facebook Pages to Watch
March 5, 2014
Day 1: EC PM Report
It's good to be Karol
Just got back in from Day 1 of the European championship. There were 3 A fleet races each won by Worlds champion Karol Jablonski. James "T" Thieler placed highest of the Americans today with a third in the last race. The day did not look promising with zero to light air and cloudy skies. But then the wind showed up and settled in. The skies also cleared which made for a spectacular day for photos. Day 2 of the EC tomorrow. As always, there's lots more on Facebook.
Day 1: European Championship & Worlds Wrap Up
My view of the World
The Worlds concluded yesterday with Karol Jablonski as winner. It was a perfect day to be on the ice, sunny, and a fair enough wind, though some would have preferred a bit more. The flag dropped at 10 AM each day. I am learning a lot about how PRO Stan Macur's team works together (like a well oiled machine) to run these events. They have been kind enough to let me tag along. I have been standing with the scorers. Haven't learned any Polish numbers yet but I can understand how they say the letter P, S,C, US, etc.
I have been posting a live feed on Facebook. If you aren't on Facebook (I know, I know, no one likes Facebook) you are really missing out. Get an account for the next two days. The only reason I have an account if for things like this. It's very easy for me to post to FB while on the ice. I have been posting photos and videos and some results. Join the Four Lakes Facebook Group and the IDNIYRA Facebook Group.
We had a banquet and prize giving last night. I noted that there were quite a few youngish sailors who made the top ten in each fleet. Skippers meeting is at 10 AM with racing at 11. Off to the lake.
March 3, 2014
Day 2: Worlds
There is more wind than yesterday but the visibility remains low and racing has been postponed until tomorrow. Will learn more at the 9 AM skippers meeting tomorrow.
There is a very reasonable spa in the hotel. Haapsalu's tourism website says, "There are mud bath and treatment facilities in Haapsalu, all built in the magnificent style of the early 19th century. No wonder that even the Romanov family, the famous dynasty of the Russian Tsar, used to travel from St. Petersburg to Haapsalu to recover from the difficult task of ruling a country." So, I'm going to be like a 19th century Russian aristocrat and take some sort of spa treatment.
March 2, 2014
Day 1: Worlds
K-1 IDNIYRA Europe Secretary Chris Williams back out on the ice
Woke up to snow this morning but it was wet and about 1/4". Headed out to the course which was a long way from the pits. Was happy to catch a ride with PRO Stan Macur's Polish race committee ATV. Played the typical waiting game with the wind. Ice is a bit soft with wet snow. One C fleet qualifier was run today though scuttlebut is that it may be protested because of limited visibility from the fog. I could not see the weather mark from where I stood with the scorers. The fog set in even more and Stan called the races complete for the day. Flag drops at 10 AM tomorrow.
Yesterday was one of those days where I am grateful to have made so many friends across the DN world. It was such fun to greet them again and laugh about some of the crazy adventures we've experienced trying to do this stuff.
The people of Estonia are warm and friendly and it is a lovely area famous for its healing waters. I would like to visit here during the summer.
Off to dinner...
March 2, 2014
At Last
Good early afternoon. I'm updating after checking into the hotel at Haapsalu in Estonia and I'll try to recount the events of the past two days. The question was whether to drive approximately 20 hours from Bad Z to Haapsalu or take a ferry to Denmark, drive across Denmark, take a ferry to Sweden, and then drive to Stockholm to get the overnight ferry to Tallinn, Estonia. The decision was made to race to get on the ferry. It was tricky because timing was everything. We had to make the first two ferries at the right time to get to Stockholm. The sailors in Joerg's car, T, Eben, Oliver, and Dani, who were towing the trailer left at 3 AM. We left with Joerg in the Sprinter at about 4:30 AM, somewhat later than was originally intended, and managed to pass the gang with the trailer about 120 kms before Stockholm. (I won't say if they drove exceptionally slow or we drove exceptionally fast.) The VW hauling the trailer was the last vehicle to pull in before the ferry departed. The ferry is more like a cruise ship with many restaurants, bars, shops, and discos. At dinner we met some ice sailors from Denmark and Sweden who were also making their way to the regatta. More later. I'm going to check in with Mercedes to make sure we get down to the ice for opening ceremonies in a bit.
February 27, 2014
We Wait
Another beautiful day here in Bad Z. That's the Skoda with Hal's DN. We are at the hotel awaiting the decision.
February 26, 2014
Spring Into Winter
Good afternoon from Bad Zwischenahn, Germany. Easily found Mercedes and Hal yesterday at the car rental counter in the Hamburg airport. Flying into Amsterdam and Hamburg and then driving to Bad Z, I was struck at how green and springlike the landscape appears in contrast to North America. My cell phone keeps alerting me to windchill warnings back home.
The DN Europe website continues to be updated with ongoing news of potential sites for the Worlds. I finally got to experience the famous eel dinner served with other German specialties last night at Der Spieker with Joerg, Torsten, Dagmar, Hal & Merc, T, and Eben Whitcomb. Joerg was on the phone with DNers from all over Europe. "The food was outstanding and the company was even better," Mercedes just said to me. Merc and I are headed out to take a walk around Bad Z. The guys are at Torsten's aligning chocks and preparing for the Worlds. The question we discussed last night was whether to take the long drive to our eventual destination or the long ferry ride.
A windmill at night.
February 22, 2014
Join the DN Association and See the World
"We don’t know where.
We don’t know when.
We don’t know what regatta.
Heck we don’t know much."
-New England Ice Yachting Association Regatta Chair Oliver Moore
Oliver's recent NEIYA regatta update is unfortunately the central theme of the 2014 North American ice boating season. While North America suffers through cold and snow, waiting for the perfect thaw that will reveal sailable ice, Europe is dealing with an unusually warm winter. There's sailable ice in several countries including the host country, Poland, but scouts are on the look out for alternative sites in case the warm forecasted temperatures have a negative impact on the ice.
On Tuesday, I'm meeting the founding members of the North Carolina Ice Yachting Association, Hal Bowman, and Mercedes Auger, in Hamburg, Germany. Mercedes, Hal, (who recently won the 2014 Silver fleet DN North American championship) and I will drive to Bad Zwischenahn where Hal is hoping to find all the parts of his DN ice boat intact after its journey back to Germany on the Siberian Express from Lake Baikal in Russia last April. We will stay in "Bad Z" until DN European Commodore Joerg Bohn announces the site of the DN Worlds and European championships.
As far as Oliver's questions above, I can answer two truthfully; I know the regatta is the Worlds & European Championships to be sailed March 1-8. As to where are we going - Poland, Estonia, Sweden, Finland? Heck, I don't know much.
Here are three weather widgets for possible locations. I would have added Finland but windfinder.com only allows three widgets per website.
Weather for Poland
Weather for Estonia
Weather for Sweden
February 1, 2014
DN North American Photos from Wander Artist
Photographer and artist Amanda Palmer has uploaded her beautiful photos from the DN North Americans to Zenfolio where you can purchase them. See them here. Use the code "GoFAST" at checkout to get 10% off your order!
January 28, 2014
Awards Photos
Here are just a few. I hope to have more soon from people who can take better pictures than I can.
Hal Bowman, Silver fleet
winner and Julie Jankowski
Mike Derusha, 4th place
Gold fleet
Mark "The Doctor" Christensen 2nd,
Ron Sherry 1st, and Steve Orlebeke 3rd
Menekanuee chubs and eggs signal the official end of the regatta.
DN North American Photo Gallery
Local artist Amanda Palmer was on the ice on Plattsburgh and shot some beautiful photos. See them here.
January 27, 2014
Pit Stop: Detroit
Erica is in Toledo and Loretta and I are in Detroit. "No matter what, it was totally worth it!" Mike Derusha, who placed 4th in the gold, just told me. Bad weather forced Mike to spend the night in Canada near Kingston. We think that everyone who traveled through Canada from the regatta had to get off the highway because the driving conditions were treacherous. We ran into the Jones brothers and Jim Grogan at a rest stop earlier this morning. They told Loretta that Dick Wollam, Julie Richards, and Bill Cutting also had to pull off the road. The cause was a vehicle pile up. We have a great deal of respect for those of you from the east who have had to make the numerous trips out to the Midwest and been dealing with this kind of stuff for years.
January 26, 2014
NAs-The Road Home..Toledo...Detroit..MSN
As you all know by now, Ron Sherry has won his 11th North American championship on Lake Champlain in Plattsburgh, New York. North Carolina's only ice sailor, Hal Bowman, won the Silver championship. Congratulations to all the competitors for toughing out the uncertain conditions, chasing ice, and pushing themselves in the extreme conditions on Friday. It was worth it.
Loretta, Erica, and I made an unscheduled pit stop in Canada after deciding we'd had enough of night time driving through blowing and drifting snow at 30 mph. At that speed, we would be in Toledo at 6 AM. Instead, we are all relaxing comfortably in the last room the hotel had available, the honeymoon suite complete with heart shaped tub.
Friday's weather conditions were a benchmark for me as a scorer. It was the coldest and windiest day I've ever spent on the ice. The last one was at a 2004 NIYA regatta on Lake Monona where Mary Jane Schalk and I spent an entire day on the lake without a break in temperatures barely above 10F. Friday was tougher maybe because I'm 10 years older and it was very windy. The winds built all day. Every weather app called for zero to light air that day. Boy, were they wrong and it proves that you have to show up to the lake no matter what the weather apps tell you.
Western Region Commodore Julie Jankowski deserves a lot of praise for seeing this regatta through to the end and putting in such a tremendous effort to make sure everyone was taken care of. It was a pleasure to see her out on the course enjoying the sailing.
Back to the sailing: After scoring 3 gold and 3 silvers, the bitter cold forced us to climb into the heated tent. We warmed up and the PRO Bob Schumacher asked each of us how much more we could take. We said we'd try one more race and then reasses. We knew it was hard for the sailors too. So out we went for what turned out to be the last race of the day, Gold 4. After the race, the wind started nuking and we witnessed one of the most amazing feats that will go down in ice boating history. I call numbers to Loretta. She keeps her head down and it's my job to remain calm no matter what I see. Ron Sherry, her brother, had 3 first place finishes. On the second leeward rounding after I had called out Steve Orlebeke and Ron's numbers, there was some commotion. I looked over for a split second to see Ron airborne, flying out of the boat, not even on the ice. I said, "Loretta, that's your brother!" She kept writing but I have to admit that I missed about three boats. Thankfully, Erica and Ann were diligent and had the sail numbers. What I didn't see was that there was a TV camera man that Ron almost slid into. We were hopeful that he got the whole thing on video, but he didn't. I also didn't see Ron run and jump back into his boat and tear off for the weather mark, determined to complete the race. He came back for an eight place finish, which left him one point ahead of Mark "The Doctor" Christensen in the point standings. The spinouts continued for the rest of the race. Man, it was something else. The building gusty winds along with the bitter, bitter cold led Bob Schumacher to call the day complete after that race.
I'll continue my version of events later....
January 25, 2014
NAs Day 2
Wild day on the ice...cold, windy...Results here.
January 24, 2014
NAs Day 1
Just returned from a quick breakfast with Loretta. PRO Bob Schumacher and Eric Anderson joined us as well. We all tried to find the warmest current temperature on our phone weather apps. The warmest we came up with was -5F. The good news, I guess, is that it didn't get as cold as the -15 that was forecasted. Having been through a brutal cold snap in Wisconsin where the temperatures went to -20F, -5F just doesn't seem THAT bad. Of course I'm not rigging a boat or racing in one so that's easy for me to say. Bob is headed to the lake now and plans to sail out in his boat. Me, Erica, and Loretta will take the ATV down shortly and get that ready to go.
Tentative plan is for a Gold fleet race at 11:00. We shall see!
January 23, 2014
We Can Do This!
Arrived in Plattsburgh last night at 9 PM. Finally made it out to the ice for a 2 PM skippers meeting out on the line. Scouts found a freshly frozen plate nearer to Plattsburg. Yes, it was cold and the air was light. But we were finally all on the ice and not sitting in a car or hotel room. The sheet has just frozen and was covered in a thick coating of hoar frost. There was enough wind at the end of the day for a Silver qualifier. Gold fleet tomorrow. Was nice to see Western Region Commodore Julie Jankowski sailing today in a boat put together by Dick Wollam, Julie Richards, and Bill Cutting. Off for a quick dinner and then the annual meeting. I'll try to post more tomorrow morning before we head out. Preliminary results day one.
January 21, 2014
OhSNOW Canada-
New Plan: New York!
IDNYRA North American Commodore Rich Potcova and 4LIYC Jori Lenon at the launch in Clinton, Illinois where the DN North Americans will not be sailed.
It's about 9 AM and cold here in Detroit as I type this at Loretta's kitchen table. As everyone knows by now, Montreal was snowed out. Yesterday at this time we were on the road to Detroit where we planned to wait for the next announcement. As we neared the border of Illinois, we received word to halt and stay in place because another site was being scouted in Clinton, Illinois. We loitered in a Taco Bell parking lot for hours and hours and hours. The boredom drove us to take the two hour drive south to Clinton where we found quite a big contingent checking the ice there and hanging out. Unfortunately, the course would have been much too small for a regatta. Vice Commodore Kent Baker's phone started ringing with positive reports from eastern ice scouts, a quick meeting of the officers was convened, and the decision was made to go east. We'll have a day of rest and laundry here and head off early in the morning to Plattsburgh, New York. I have never been to the east for ice boating and am very much looking forward to the journey and the regatta. Everyone is pulling together working hard to put the pieces in place. Loretta has put out a nice breakfast and I think I'll join her.
January 20, 2014
Oh Canada!
The call has been made and the caravan is moving to Montreal!
January 19, 2014
An assortment of racers and race committee met at the landing today to assess the snow situation. Chad Atkins had the phone glued to his ear the whole time talking with sailors on the PA/OH border about Lake Pymatuning. Daniel Hearn drove the ATV out on Senashwine to look at the drift situation. (It's drifty) It was a beautiful day with an appearance of those famous Menekaunee chubs offered by Mike Derusha and a "bad imitation" Jaegermeister (on Fred Stritt's tailgate) according to a Jaegermeister expert who happened to be there but wishes to remain anonymous. So tomorrow we'll either be here or heading to Pymatuning, home of the
"Just Sleep" motel.
This is to be avoided according to some sources.
January 18, 2014
The European weather model proved itself right again and snow has ruined Lake Senaschwine, the primary site of the 2014 DN North American championships. The hunt for raceable ice is on! Race Committee and Officers are searching high and low for another lake. Registration is postponed until Sunday evening.
The snow switch suddenly turned on high this morning as I left Peru for the 30+ mile drive to the launch site. The white outs made the drive a bit more interesting than I cared for. Daniel Hearn took the ATV out on the lake and found 5" drifts. I was happy to let DN Nederland take the wheel on the drive back to Peru.
Once in Peru, life was good again. We ran into some Minnesota sailors at the lumber yard. They were going to be productive and build some shelves for their van. We went in the opposite direction and had a long leisurely lunch at Red Lobster followed by a visit to Target. Ice boaters have the stores and restaurants to ourselves here because the snow is keeping the townsfolk home. The biggest question facing the sailors tonight (well, other than where in the world will they be going tomorrow) is where is dinner?
The guys from Rhode Island, Chad, Oliver, and T, are writing about their third Midwestern ice boating adventure this season. Catch it here.

Click for weather forecast
County Park on Hwy K near Reilly's Tavern- Map
Heidel House (920) 294-3344
643 Illinois Ave, Green Lake, WI 54941
Registration (Friday night 7-9 PM; Saturday on ice 8-9 AM):
Norton's Restaurant
380 South Lawson Drive
Green Lake, WI 54941
DN North American Championship
For the latest updates regarding the 2014 North American Championship, keep an eye on the IDNIYRA site. All regatta updates are posted in the "Hotline" section. Simply click the "Hotline" link and you will receive all updates.
2014 Iceboating DN Western Regional (Take 1)
Video from Jim McDonagh.
"Bullet Train"
Another creative racing video from Dave Elsmo.
Gold Round
Shortest ice boat racing video ever-here's the Gold fleet racing to be first around the weather mark yesterday in their only race on Green Lake. Sorry for the poor quality but it's from my phone.
January 12, 2014
Too Much Shell Ice
The DN Western Region Race Committee decided to send everyone home from Green Lake this morning because the presence of shell ice would have made racing too dangerous. Temperatures did not fall enough to solidify the puddles on the ice. The tops of the puddles shelled over but there was still water under the shell ice. Many thanks to the Green Lake Ice Yacht Club for their hospitality and Saturday's cookout on the ice. I haven't heard if the Westerns will be rescheduled. No doubt there will be an update posted on the DN Forum soon.
January 11, 2014
Results From Day 1
DN Western Region Championship: Day 1
Racers faced some tough conditions on Green Lake today because of the sleet and rain that came down last night.
Made for a very interesting ride on the way up because Hwy 73 was still ice covered on all curves. I am grateful that Wes Wilcox said yes to driving my vehicle which was towing the Western Region ATV.
A fair amount of water covered the ice on Green Lake. I spent the day with RC helper Fred Stritt at the weather mark. One race in each fleet was run. Mark Isabell, Steve Orelebeke, John Dennis, and Mike Derusha took the top four spots in the Gold. Nicolas Mabboux Tim Sugar won the Silver in a neck and neck finish with Mike Barnett.
The RC pulled the plug for the day because of visibility issues (sailors didn't much care for big waves of water splashing into their goggles limiting visibility) or sailing down in to low spots which made steering a challenge. I didn't hear anyone complain that it wasn't the right call.
Saw some action at the weather mark during the Silver fleet race when, proving that they always go faster just before they break, Kyle Metzloff rounded weather in first and then a stay let go causing him to demast. A few seconds later, Frankie Hearn's runner plank cracked but he got up quickly to pick up the pieces and move his boat off of the course. Frankie was not surprised the plank failed- he knew it didn't feel right sailing out to the course. Right after Frankie spun out, another DN spun out and the skipper was thrown from the boat but he jumped back in and went on his way with no harm done.
Everyone made it back in safely to find a fantastic BBQ put on by the Green Lake Ice Yacht Club with brats, hamburgers, home made cookies, and salads. Everyone lingered enjoying the good food, friendship, and commiserated about how wet their feet were.
We'll try again tomorrow with the hopes that tonight's temperatures will take care of that pesky water on the ice. The Nites crossed a heave and sailed but also called it a day for the same reasons as the DNs.
Off to dinner at the Goose Blind!
You know you are at a regatta when ice boat components litter the halls.
Fred Stritt incongito.
Bill Dale and Tom Hyslop said they had no issues with getting wet in their bubble boat Skeeters today!
January 9, 2014
DN Western Region Championship
The 2014 DN Western Region Championship has been called on for January 11-12 on Green Lake in Green Lake, WI. Details on the launch, lodging, etc. on the
DN Forum.

Click for weather forecast
For the most up to date and official information see the DN Forum
and the IDNIYRA Facebook page
December 17-29, 2013
Anchor Bay (Northwest Lake St. Clair), Clinton Township, MI
December 31, 2013
CE Firmbach Centrals Photos
Really nice photo gallery from the weekend's DN Centrals on Catherine Firmbach's website. Have a look here. You can also contact her if you'd like to purchase a print.
Regatta Recovery
I'll have more photos posted soon from the DN Centrals.
Congratulations to Griffin Sherry US 4 for his Gold fleet win and to Stan Jones US 4974 for his Silver fleet win.
December 29, 2013
Centrals Complete: Updating From the Road Edition
We are heading out of Detroit right now trying to find the Packer game on the radio but it's hard to find in Lions territory. Congratulations to Team Madison's Frankie Hearn for his third place finish in the Silver Fleet. Dad Daniel didn't too bad himself with a 9th in the Gold. Results here.
PRO Eric Lind starts the second Gold fleet race.
December 28, 2013
DN Centrals Day 1
TJ Sherry, Frankie Hearn, and Griffin Sherry are not speaking, hearing or seeing.
The day began with a fresh breeze for the first DN Gold race which was won by
T Thieler US 5224 and Griffin Sherry US 4placed second. The Silver fleet pushed off but the race was black flagged because the wind died and the course turned into a parking lot.
The wind shifted, the course was reset, and the Gold fleet attempted another race which was black flagged. Finally, the wind came up enough for a Silver fleet race that made the time limit which was won by Stan Jones US 4974. The Gold fleet tried it one more time but the black flag of doom once again was raised because the wind died and the boats couldn't make the time limit. Loretta is working on results right now. Preliminary scores here.
December 27, 2013
Holiday Classic Fun Regatta
Three races were sailed in this fun regatta today in light air. Results here.
December 26, 2013
Anchor Bay It Is
Griffin Sherry US 4 on Anchor Bay, Christmas Day
I'm catching a ride tonight with the directors of Madison's Spaight Street Syndicate, Daniel and Frankie Hearn to the DN Central Lakes Regional Championship AND Holiday Classic where I'll be doing my best to help out Loretta Rehe with scoring and fun. Check here and Facebook for photos and updates.
For the most up to date and official information, see iceboating.net
December 6-8, 2014
Onalaska, WI near Lacrosse, WI.
Western Challenge Update
Results posted here on iceboating.net
December 11, 2012
Runner Tracks Online Magazine
The latest publication of the IDNIYRA featuring a Western Challenge report is online here.
"The Lure of Early Ice is Hard to Ignore"
Commodore T's take the Western Challenge from the New England perspective.
"Looks like the regatta season has begun!
The Western Challenge Regatta is an informal DN gathering that has been going on for ten years or so- traditionally held the first weekend in December on the best ice in Minnesota… Yes, Minnesota. It’s a big state a little to the west of here."
Continue reading.
December 9, 2013
Big team maDisoN Turnout
Three development boats and a loaner from the Spaight Street Syndicate
"team maDisoN was well represented at the Great Western Challenge Friday - Sunday with 14 team members racing DNs, 1 member racing Ice Opti and 5 guests using development boats to get a taste for DN sailing. The event was hosted by our good friends from Minnesota, who were forced to go south this year to Wisconsin ice for the first time in the long history of the event. A "week of" snow storm knocked out all previously frozen Minnesota ice. In spite of the very cold conditions in LaCrosse, a great time was had by all.
Results for our new team maDisoN sailors racing in the Silver Fleet were particularly impressive. The Overall Silver Fleet title went to Dave Elsmo, who was at or near the top in every race. Silver Fleet races were also won by Tim Sugar and Scott Earnest, both of whom are in just their second year of DN racing. Hugh Sugar also put in an strong performance sailing his recently completed DN for the first time ever. Although second year DN'r Mike Barnett didn't land the top spot in this regatta, he, too, appeared to be consistently top ten. Our one Junior DN'r, Frankie Hearn, finished top 5 in the first race and top 10 in the second.
Official results are still pending and will be posted on iceboating.net.
Over the course of the three days, team maDisoN also hosted five first time ice sailors--two who flew in from San Francisco, one who drove up from Chicago, and two more who came down for the day from the Twin Cities. All really enjoyed some hard water tiller time, though our San Francisco guests were understandably disturbed by the temperature. Connorj, the ring leader of the SF contingent, was sporting a "classic" one piece snowsuit. His only regret was not having a more colorful scarf. Next time, Connorj, you'll know how to accessorize!"
Shooting the Breeze
Photo Credit: JH Peterson-Shooting the Breeze
Russian ice boater Valeriy Dichenko R166 pushes off at the start Saturday, December 8 at the Western Challenge sailed on Lake Onalaska near LaCrosse, WI.
Professional photographer JH Peterson shot some beautiful pictures at the Western Challenge on Saturday. You can see a sample of them on his Facebook page now. He'll be posting them to his website soon.
First Time in an Ice Boat
Photo Credit: DN Nederland
Darby and Tim Sugar's daughter looks pretty relaxed while testing out her dad's DN at the Western Challenge sailed in LaCrosse over the weekend. She must have brought some good luck for Tim because he won a race later that day. Two more races were sailed on Sunday in the Silver and Gold and there was one Ice Opti race. Ron Sherry is the overall Gold winner while 4LIYC Team maDisoN Dave Elsmo took the silver. I'll post more photos and reports throughout the day. Jim McDonagh will have the results for the regatta posted soon as well on iceboating.net.
December 8, 2012
A quick update before packing up and heading to the lake. After waiting around all day, the breeze picked up enough at 3 PM for 4 races. Ron Sherry and Chad Atkins took firsts in Gold while two Team maDisoN skippers, Tim Sugar and Dave Elsmo, won the two Silver races. Will there be more for today? You never know. There's some snow on the ground and not much wind.
December 6, 2013
When the Temperature is a Lesser Digit than the Date During the First Week of a Month
Neil and Jim arrive.
Opening day of the WC is has a reputation of being the best day because of the fun scrub racing. Yes, it was cold, but it didn't stop DNers from across North America from getting to work setting their boats up and sailing them under the sunny skies and the right amount of wind. Hard to imagine that not far from Onalaska quite a bit of snow fell. There's no trace of snow here at all.
December 5, 2013
Check here for updates from Team MaDisoN from the first unofficial DN regatta of the season.