NIYA Regatta
January 18-20, 2012
Location: TBD

4LIYC Home NIYA 100 Years Home Regatta Winners 1913: The First NIYA 1936: Skeeters Join NIYA 1913: The First NIYA 1958: Gull Lake, MI
2002: Lake Kegonsa, WI 2003: Lake Winnebago, WI 2004: Lake Monona, WI 2005: Lake Winnebago, WI 2007: Menominee, MI 2008: Geneva Lake, WI 2009: Geneva Lake,WI 2010: Lake Winnebago, WI 2011: Abandoned 2012: Green Bay, WI
Greg Simon
NIYA Commodore

Deb Whitehorse
Webmaster 4LIYC


  • A Class Stern Steerer: Square People, E. Peterson, Menominee, MI
  • B Class Stern Steerer: Red Bird, L. Hollister, P. Bowen, Oshkosh, WI
  • Free For All: Sirius, A Class stern-steerer, W. Nowark, Menominee, Mi.

The Menominee Photo Postcards
This group of historic postcards came up for auction on ebay several years ago from an estate in Florida. They were purchased as a set and are back safely in Menominee, Michigan. The young man who sent the postcards in the mail to a friend gives us a glimpse of what it was like on the ice during the first Northwest and wrote detailed explanations about the boats. Here are just a few and I will be adding more of them in the future.
Deb W.









Here's a collection of newspaper columns about the first NIYA published during the regatta. Each city's newspaper unabashedly cheered on their own yachtsmen. The decision of which city was to host the second NIYA was a hot topic with both Oshkosh and Madison making claims that they had the inside track. Oshkosh was chosen as the site for the 1914 NIYA.
Deb W.

January 16, 1913 Oshkosh Daily Northwestern



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John Buckstaff will represent the Oshkosh Ice Yacht Club at the banquet of the Menominee, Michigan Ice Yacht Club at the Hotel Menominee Saturday evening. The primary object of the banquet will be to form a western organization of ice yacht clubs, to include middle-western states about Michigan and Wisconsin.

At a meeting of the executive committee of the local club, the invitation of the Menominee club to send two representatives to the function was acted upon favorably, Messrs. Goettmann and Buckstaff being delegated.

The Menominee club will entertain representatives from Gull Lake, Mich., Green Bay, Kalamazoo, Mich., Marinette, Madison, Oshkosh, and other middle-western iceboat centers. The plan under consideration is to form an organization not unlike the Inland Lake Yachting association, which includes prominent middle-western yacht clubs and holds regattas in summer.

It is hoped among other things to have a regatta for Class A and Class B yachts each winter, for middle-western championships. The regattas would be entertained at different racing centers, at the invitation of clubs with suitable race courses. On thing that the western association, if organized, would probably regulate would be the sail areas for the different classes of boats. With an organization taking charge of such matters, ice-boat racing would be sure to become as prominent each winter as yachting has become in summer. The Oshkosh club would welcome such an association. Mr. Buckstaff and Mr. Goettmann will leave for Menominee Saturday noon, the banquet being Saturday evening at 9 o'clock. On Sunday they will each be given a Class A yacht to sail in the race on the day, which will be a fair test of the relative merits of Oshkosh and Menominee skippers. Oshkosh is proud of Goettmann and Buckstaff as skippers, and It is hoped that they will show the northerners a few tricks in the racing game, for both are veterans at it. The former Oshkosh yacht, Sirius which Buckstaff formerly sailed, went to Menominee a couple of years ago and Buckstaff would like to take the tiller and find out why the other Menominee boats have been able to beat Sirius.

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January 21, 1913 Oshkosh Daily Northwestern


Organization formed at Menominee, Michigan is to have first regatta there January 30 and 31 and February 1-This city will try for 1914 regatta-Yachts from this city to enter.

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Oshkosh was one of the three cities that formed the Northwest Ice Yachting association, which will hold it’s first annual regatta it Menominee, Mich., January 30 and 31 and February 1. Six Oshkosh boats—three sailing in class A and three in class B—will represent Lake Winnebago at the Northwest Regatta. Besides the ice yachts, John Buckstaff's motor boat will be taken along to race a Menominee speed marvel.

Commodore Edward W. Goettmann and John Buckstaff represented the Oshkosh Ice Yacht club at the meeting at Menominee Saturday and Sunday. returning here late yesterday. They were royally entertained by the northerners, and are enthusiastic over the prospects for the big interstate regatta the end of the month.

On Sunday the Oshkosh delegates were given the pick of the Menominee fleet. Buckstaff took Sirius, his old protege, and Goettmann took Square People, winner of the afternoon race. But Goettmann ripped his mainsail and their race was off. Later Goettmann took Sirius and sailed for the moving picture photographer, and incidentally gave that gentleman all the excitement he craved for one day.

Sunday evening the real business of the occasion was transacted. Menominee, Marinette, and Oshkosh formed the Northwest Ice Yachting association, the work of permanent organization and election of officers to take place at the next meeting. The dates of the first regatta were fixed for the last three days of next week.

Class A of the Northwest Ice Yachting association will be restricted to the limits of 400 to 600 square feet of sail area. Anything under 400 feet goes into class B. With three days of races, percentages will count for championships the same as in the regattas of the Inland Lake Yachting association. The Menominee club will offer a trophy cup in each class with the association cup, the skipper winning the association championship three years, with any boat, becoming its permanent owner.

The "Square People," an enterprising business house, has offered a world's championship silver loving cup, open to any boat in the world with a sail area of 600 square feet or less. This will be a free-for-all event, with no handicap, and the Oshkosh craft are going to make a determined bid for it. The race will be either Wednesday or Sunday, January 29 or February 2. The club that wins the regatta gets the meet for the next year. Therefore Oshkosh is going to try hard to win the regatta, and earn the right to entertain the N. W. I. Y. A. in 1914.

Oshkosh will be represented at the regatta and the world's championship event by six boats—three in each class. The boats of Buckstaff, Helyman, and Chapman will enter Class A. The speeders of Commodore Goettmann, Fenn & Keen, and Doemel will enter Class B. Goettmann's and Fenn's boats are classed as "A" here, but come under under the B sail limit of the association.

The Oshkosh Ice Yacht club officers will endeavor to raise enough money by popular subscription to send the seven craft and their crews to Menominee. It will require some $250 to represent Oshkosh in the classic, but the city will be advertised to that extent without question. It is hoped to take two men to each boat, with Gustav Neblow to take charge of the fleet. If the weather does not turn colder, the Oshkosh Ice Yacht club hopes to hold races Saturday and possibly Friday of this week….

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February 1, 1913 Oshkosh Daily Northwestern


Oshkosh students are more than anxious to learn the result of the iceboat races at Marinette. This interest is occasioned by the fact that Princess and Yellow Kid, the fastest boats in Madison, have been sent to the northern city where they will be matched against the pets of the Oshkosh Ice Yacht club. Now, whenever the subject of iceboats is mentioned between Madison and Oshkosh young men, there is a distinct coolness because both believe their boats to be the faster. We are willing to abide by the results in a race where the Oshkosh boats are handled by such men as Buckstaff, Gates, Nelow, Doemel, Holister, Chapman, and Bowen. –Wallace Mayer

February 1, 1913 Oshkosh Daily Northwestern


Ice Boaters of This City Are to Make Effort Tonight to Capture 1914 Races of Association

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Oshkosh is going after the 1914 regatta of the Northwestern Ice Yacht association. At the meeting at Menominee, Mich., tonight Oshkosh is assured of two Menominee and two Marinette votes, so Madison will have but little chance to secure the regatta next year. The business meeting tonight will be for the purpose of organizing, and electing officers.

Commodore Goettmann and others of the Oshkosh club will be present, including skippers who have been in the regatta this week and others who went up today. It is probable that if Oshkosh secures the next regatta, Oshkosh men will be elected to the commodoreship and the secretaryship of the association.

The Oshkosh class B boats, Red Bird and Cold Wave, have the class all to themselves, and the race between the two this afternoon will decide the association championship for class B. In class A, Square People of Menominee is practically certain to win, although Mercury of Oshkosh and Princess of Madison have a fighting chance.

The Oshkosh skippers have flatly refused to race for the Square People's world championship cup on Sunday. Oshkosh takes the view that now the question of Sunday racing has come tip, it may as well be understood from the start that Oshkosh does not sanction Sunday racing. The Oshkosh club has held Sunday regattas, but will discontinue them now that the proposition has come to a head. If the cup race is held at Menominee tomorrow, the Oshkosh boats will be shipped home at once and the Oshkosh skippers will be spectators tomorrow.

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February 2, 1913 Wisconsin State Journal


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Capital City Yachtsmen Makes Good Impression And Enter Strong Bid For Program


Madison Skipper Ready to Send Boat Against Fastest For Championship of World

Menominee, Mich.-Feb.1-Special—
The “Princess,” Madison’s entry in the Green Bay ice yacht regatta was unable to finish in today’s race because of conditions which made it impossible for all but one yacht to complete the course in the required time. Madison leads all other cities for the next regatta.
“Square People,” the Menominee host, was the only one to finish. The bay was covered in snow. Club officials in charge of the regatta are considering the indefinite postponement of the biggest race on the program because of the unfavorable conditions that prevail. If the race is called off the “Princess” will be taken to Gull lake to compete against the fastest ice yachts in the world for the world’s title.

In the races held to date, first honors go to “Square People”, with the “Princess,” the smallest craft entered taking second. Emil Fauerbach of Madison tonight said that if the big race could be sailed under favorable conditions he believed that his boat would win and would establish a new world’s record. The manner in which the “Princess” was handled and the time made by the Madison boat was the sensation of the regatta.

Madison and Oshkosh made a class sweep in Class B. “Red Bird” and “Colliware” of Oshkosh finished first and second in this class, with the “Yellow Kid” owned by William Bernard of Madison, third.

The second day’s regatta, in which the “Princess” beat out “Square People” by twenty seconds, furnished the big feature of the racing program on Green Bay. Expert handling of the diminutive yacht from Madison played a material part in its victory.

The victory meant much to the Badger skippers because of the size of their entry which was not much more than half as large as some of the contestants.

Madison yacht men have made a deep impression on the home and visiting yacht men by their sportsmanship and probably will be given the next regatta planned for the near future. The date may be fixed before the visitors depart for home tomorrow night. While Oshkosh is in the fight for the next meeting Madison apparently has the greater number of supporters and is expected to win.

The Menominee Ice Yacht Club tonight is entertaining the visiting yachtsmen in a banquet and dance. Last night the visitors were guests at the home of Klent Minstrel show at the opera house. While weather conditions have not been favorable for fast times during the meet, it was pronounced and unqualified success.

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February 13, 1913 Oshkosh Daily Northwestern


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The invitation Extended by Iceboat Representatives from This City Is Accepted in Menominee-Charles F. Bray is Elected Secretary-Treasurer of Association-Sunday Races Postponed to Today Commodore -F. R. Wall, Menominee Vice Commodore -Charles P. Bray, Oshkosh Place of 1914 regatta -Oshkosh, Lake Winnebago

Oshkosh will entertain the 1914 regatta of the NIYA at the invitation of the Oshkosh Ice Yacht Club having been accepted when the association organized Saturday evening at Menominee. Charles P. Bray, commodore of the Oshkosh Yacht club, has been chosen as the Oshkosh executive officer of the association. A committee of four men-representing Menominee, Marinette, Madison, and Oshkosh-will meet in this city next summer during the Inland Lake Yachting regatta to decide on the dates and the program for the 1914 ice carnival at this city.

Today four of the Oshkosh speeders are among the fleet of thirty racing at Menominee for the Square People’s trophy cup, emblematic of the ice yacht championship of the United States. The skippers of Mercury, Storm King, Red Bird, and Cold Wave are confident that one of the four from Oshkosh will bring the cup home tomorrow, for the snow banks have gone down and Oshkosh skippers are now familiar enough with the course to give Square People the race of its career. The protest of the Oshkosh skippers against Sunday racing took effect and the championship cup was scheduled to be raced for today instead of yesterday. Last Thursday the Oshkosh men notified the regatta committee that on Sunday race would see the Oshkosh boats idle. Saturday night, realizing that Oshkosh meant what it said, and that the race would be a hollow one without Oshkosh, the northerners yielded and consented to hold the race today-which is just as well all around, seeing there are no gate receipts to make a Sunday attraction better.

Although Square People won the association cup in class A by winning on Saturday, Oshkosh was big noise in the regatta by winning first and second in class B and having two boats tied for second in class A. Four Oshkosh boats entered and not one was lower than second in the final reckoning.

In B class, Red Bird beat Cold Wave for the association championship Saturday, after each Oshkosh craft had a first and second to its credit. Yellow Kid of Madison brought up third in class B. Hollister entered Red Bird and Doemel handled Cold Wave.

Buckstaff’s Mercury lost an opportunity to win class A by sticking in a snow drift the last day and Square People finished alone in first place. The points show that Buckstaff’s Mercury and Chapman’s Storm King, both of Oshkosh, are tied for second. Princess, the pride of Madison, takes next place.

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